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Growing with Cheerleading

As big-name cheer teams and franchises begin to grow, the cheerleading industry is still wondering to create a Division II to help small gym to have their own division in the summit competition. A small gym is comprised of 150 or less cheer members.

One of the industry's key players "cheer power" created the national small program association, so small Gyms can have a platform to share advice and creating competitions for those small gyms. This is a way to help small programs go against other small gyms and not large cheer programs. It has been noticed that small gym programs closed down because they do not have tools to do well financially and they lose their athletes to a larger cheer program. With the national small program association this will help to offer members access to webinars newsletters and regional meetings that will help with information as to how to maximize a success.

If the USASF approves the division II request this will create division specially modified to help small gyms make it to the top. We at gymnastics elite, are a small gym and will take full advantage of the nationals my program associations information.

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