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Not Your Average Summer Camp

Summer is coming around the corner fast and kids will be out of school before you know it! Does this have you looking for something that will keep your kids busy and active through the summer months instead of spent lounging around the house? For them to have a productive and eventful summer vacation instead of it being spent in front of the TV? Something that will get them out of the house and socializing with other kids? Well our Summer Camp here at Gymnastics Elite is the solution to your dilemma! We are going to be having a camp Mon.-Fri. from 8:00 am-3:0 0 pm starting June 6th and it will be for children ages 3&up. The kids will be separated into different groups according to their age for their own safety and so the activities that they do are age appropriate, fit their ability and insure that they will have fun doing them! Activities throughout the day will be completely supervised and conducted by our trained coaches and include free play, which is where the kids are under complete supervision but are free to play about the gym, group games which will involve everyone at the camp, training and games involving all the different apparatuses (uneven bars, balance beam, floor, vault, and trampoline) and arts and crafts. On Fridays we play WATER GAMES outside which is something the kids always get excited about and look forward to. Plus it is the perfect way to cool down from the heat and take advantage of the summer sunshine as well! The kids will have snack and lunch breaks at different times different times throughout the day. We will provide the snacks for the children but they are welcome to bring their own if they choose to. They will also be required to bring their own lunch everyday unless they are told otherwise. As far as pricing goes, we have many different options that allow you to choose a schedule works best for you! Their is a Full Day Plan and a Half Day Plan and you can sign up for 1 day up to 5 days a week. This is a fun and unique Summer Camp that is unlike any other you can find in El Paso! Here at Gymnastics Elite we strive to provide the best experience and product for you and your child and this Summer Camp won't disappoint!

Sign up and reserve your spot at our front desk, call us at (915) 590-9056 or visit our website at and click on "camps" at the top of the page. There you will find the details about the prices and plans, the camp schedule, and a place were you can make your payment.

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Text (915) 590-9056 (Rojas)
Text (915) 521-8345 (Yarbrough)

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  • Gymnastics Classes in El Paso, TX
  • Gymnastics Classes in El Paso, TX
  • Gymnastics Classes in El Paso, TX

12115 Rojas Dr #900
El Paso, TX, 79936

3333 Yarbrough #B
El Paso, TX, 79925

Hours of Operation* (Office Hours)
*Office visits are by appointment only! Click the book tour button to schedule an appointment.
Monday             5:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Tuesday             5:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Wednesday       5:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Thursday           5:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Friday                 5:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Saturday           10AM-12PM - Parties Only
Sunday               Parties Only
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