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The Benefits of Summer Camp

You may be wondering what or how many benefits could there are to be had by sending your child to a summer camp during the day besides it being a sort of "daycare". Yes, it is very important to have a safe place to leave your kids where they will be supervised and taken care of while you are at work and this is one of the benefits of a summer day camp but there is so much more to get out of it than that. This can serve as an opportunity for your child to get out of their comfort zone and it pushes them to push themselves into getting out of the house and participating in something that is physically active and healthy while making new friends and being social. It makes them "unplug" from the TV, phones and internet for a while and actually experience the here and now and have some fun in person and not through a screen! Going to a summer day camp will also make the transition to going back to school easier on the kids and for you, the parent, because instead of getting in the bad habit of just sitting around, they have stayed in the mindset of getting up everyday and doing something productive with their day. They should see the summer break as not just time they get to waste but time they get to take advantage of to do things that they don' t normally get to do during the school year! The summer camp that we will be holding here at Gymnastics Elite starting JUNE 6 is guaranteed to provide all this along with the amazing opportunity for your kids to either give gymnastics a try and learn some new skills or, if they already have experience, to continue working on their skills throughout the summer break. Mixed in with their gymnastics lessons will be classic summer fun and activities like arts and crafts and our water day, were we will be providing a water slide/balloon. They will have plenty of fun memories and stories to tell their friends when it's time to go back to school!

Sign up and reserve your spot at our front desk, call us at (915) 590-9056 or visit our website at and click on "camps" at the top of the page. There you will find the details about the prices and plans, the camp schedule, and a place were you can make your payment.

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  • Gymnastics Classes in El Paso, TX

12115 Rojas Dr #900
El Paso, TX, 79936

3333 Yarbrough #B
El Paso, TX, 79925

Hours of Operation* (Office Hours)
*Office visits are by appointment only! Click the book tour button to schedule an appointment.
Monday             5:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Tuesday             5:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Wednesday       5:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Thursday           5:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Friday                 5:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Saturday           10AM-12PM - Parties Only
Sunday               Parties Only
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