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The Elite Legacy 

 How does your daughter learn? What does she learn? Who is it that she is learning from? In a society run by technology, it is very easy for our young generation of girls to be influenced by the wrong type of “role models”. Women who only pride themselves in material possessions and relationships is not who we want our young girls to be shaping themselves too. Is your daughter learning proper traits of a young day such as self- confidence, respect, responsibility, proper manners? Who is it that has dominate influence over her and those who she surrounds herself with? Here at Gymnastics Elite it is extremely important to us that we are influencing our children into the leaders their world will need them to be. Cheer Prep is only one of the several different programs we offer. For any program, we do offer one free trial to any child who would like to get a view of what is it to be an Elite athlete is. Our primary focus is to shape the girls into well rounded individuals who possess traits such as respect, discipline, responsibility and above all, confidence. Our girls use these character traits throughout the class by the way they are asked to walk through out the gym, the standards we hold when conducting themselves around their teammates as well as other children inside the gym and through several other ways they are expected to behave while at practice. The program is made to product All-Star Cheerleaders but is open to any young girl with the determination to learn and the passion for cheer. The Cheer Prep Program offers three different levels the girls advance through as they complete the skill requirements for each class. Each level is broken into four different areas that are crucial to a successful cheerleading career. The girls are trained in Jumps, Tumbling, Stunts and Choreography. Along with this our classes also consist of a stretch routine and as they advance in levels, a warm-up as well that helps to keep the skills they learned in the previous level, consistent and sharpened. We currently have two active classes that meet from Monday to Thursday at 6:30pm. Our Beginner level meet every Tuesday and Thursday and are required to come in comfortable clothing with no shoes or socks. On Monday and Wednesday we have our Intermediate level who have the same clothing requirements but are asked to wear proper athletic wear during practice. While training, it is important to us that we create an environment the girls are comfortable being their selves in. Whether they are shy or filled with crazy energy, we want our girls to be able to give their all and take away the full experience of being an Elite Cheer Prep Cheerleader. Our current generation of girls will one day be the generation to a world of their own, who is it that we are raising for our future generations to look up too. Our job title consist of so much more than teach our girls have to do back handsprings or choreograph, we are a part of who has an influence in who they become. We want to lead a Legacy of girls others want to be look up too. Our Elite Legacy is to raise a new generation of Respectful Confident leaders who will one day lead their own.

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Text (915) 590-9056 (Rojas)
Text (915) 521-8345 (Yarbrough)

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  • Gymnastics Classes in El Paso, TX

12115 Rojas Dr #900
El Paso, TX, 79936

3333 Yarbrough #B
El Paso, TX, 79925

Hours of Operation* (Office Hours)
*Office visits are by appointment only! Click the book tour button to schedule an appointment.
Monday             5:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Tuesday             5:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Wednesday       5:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Thursday           5:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Friday                 5:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Saturday           10AM-12PM - Parties Only
Sunday               Parties Only
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